Expert Recommendation

  Merely knowing what fertiliser to apply is not sufficient to produce a healthy crop.

  It is also important to know how to apply and more importantly, how much to apply as each crop requires a different method of application (basal, top dressing)at different growth stages and each type of soil (acidic, alkaline) requires calibration of an accurate dosage.

  Our team of crop nutrition experts guide our customers at this critical juncture and provide their recommendations right from the time of purchase and application until the crop is ripe to be harvested.

  We collect key data points such as type of soil, pH levels, acreage, water availability, past crops grown, etc. and aim to deliver the most accurate customer-centric recommendations.

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Head Office:

19, 2nd Floor, Jupiter Complex, Jupiter Complex, Dr Ranga Road, Mylapore, Chennai, TN - 600004

  Monday-Saturday: 9.00 AM - 6.00 PM

  Sunday: CLOSED